
Computer Aided Engineering

Explore what Simulation can do for your business today

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What is CAE?

Computer aided engineering (CAE) is a computer-based tool that enables users to simulate real-world scenarios and systems.

The simulation software utilizes mathematical models and algorithms to simulate and analyze the behavior of a system over time.

CAS can be used to study the behavior of mechanical systems, electrical systems, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, and more.
- Ansys

Large solutions portfolio to suit any use case

Highly accurate virtual testing to identify design flaws early

Faster time-to-market through virtual prototyping

Improved product quality through comprehensive digital analysis


Getting started with CAE

Ansys is the industry standard for Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation software. Ansys is critical in the design process for identifying the ideal form and materials in your prototype for optimized material performance.

Build your foundation

Our Industry 4.0 Solutions

Discover our comprehensive solutions for smart manufacturing.


Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)

Improve decision making & efficiency by connecting industrial assets that collect, transmit, and analyze data to optimize processes.

Seorang lelaki duduk di hadapan dua monitor komputer

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

Provide a structured and collaborative way to manage a product's entire lifespan, from drawing board to dust.

Seorang lelaki duduk di meja di hadapan komputer menggunakan cad

Mixed Reality (AR/XR)

Mixed reality headsets project assembly instructions, 3D models, and machine data, and helpful digital info directly onto a worker's real-world view.

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Service Lifecycle Management (SLM)

Track service requests, manage inventory, and ensure technicians have the information they need to resolve customer issues quickly.

Seorang wanita bekerja pada mesin di sebuah kilang

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

Optimize product line configuration, develop collaboratively, and manage regulatory compliance with ease.

Seorang lelaki memegang komputer riba di sebuah kilang
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Singapura (HQ)
159 Sin Ming Road, #03-05 Amtech Building Lobby 2, Singapura 575625
